Education Points Component

Education points may be earned by participating in a variety of educational events related to international business credit or global financial management. The educational component must be related to international business credit or global financial management and should be at an advanced level. Although not comprehensive, the following qualify for education points:

  • FCIB webinars and teleconferences, including FCIB On-Demand Webinars
  • FCIB conferences (US and European)
  • Roundtables
  • FCIB members only teleconferences
  • National Association of Credit Management educational events that focus on international trade credit/trade finance
  • Attending the events of other professional credit management institutions or association events with a focus on international trade credit/trade finance

ICCE applicants and current holders will need to to show evidence of 5 continuing education hours in any two-year period.

FCIB events will be prequalified with points clearly calculated and displayed. While FCIB prefers that ICCEs attend FCIB events, all internationally-focused, advanced education may fulfill the education requirement based on parity with other types of events attended by the member, with proper documentation.

Qualifying FCIB events and the value of ICCE education ICEU points assigned:

Events ICEU Points
Advanced-Level Courses 1 credit hour = 1 point
Graduate School of Credit & Financial Management International (GSCFMI) 10 points
FCIB International Credit and Risk Management Summit or FCIB Global conference 5 points
Seminars, Workshops, or Roundtables full day = 2 points
half-day = 1 point
Speaker, Presenter, or Panelist 1 hour = 2 points
FCIB Webinars or Teleconferences 1 hour = 1 point
Publication of a credit-related article in Week in Review, Business Credit magazine, or any international credit-related magazine or newsletter 2 points
Participation in FCIB’s monthly Credit & Collections survey and NACM’s CMI survey. 1 survey = ¼ point
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8840 Columbia 100 Parkway
Columbia, Maryland 21045-2158
United States of America